Henderson Collegiate - HS Copier Left - Jamming – Incident details

All systems operational

HS Copier Left - Jamming

Degraded performance
Started about 2 months agoLasted 38 minutes


Copiers / Printers

Operational from 8:14 PM to 8:14 PM, Degraded performance from 8:14 PM to 8:52 PM, Operational from 8:52 PM to 8:52 PM

HS Copier Left

Operational from 8:14 PM to 8:14 PM, Degraded performance from 8:14 PM to 8:52 PM, Operational from 8:52 PM to 8:52 PM

  • Resolved

    The Help Desk has investigated the issue with jamming, has cleared the jam and done maintenance on the device and is monitoring for resolution of the issue.

    Please continue to submit requests for jamming for this device if the issue is not resolved.

  • Investigating

    The Help Desk has received report(s) of the copier jamming and is investigating the source of the issue.

    No more tickets are required for issues related to jamming at this time.